How to tune a 12 string

We'll talk about how to tune a twelve string in standard tuning. This article is for beginners, if you have experience tuning stringed instruments go here for the skinny. We'll assume that your strings are on correctly and that your string arrangement is like typical 12. Here it is spelled out like it would be in an instruction Manuel, Low to high (eE are the two on the top of the guitar)


The first thing you should whenever you pick up your 12 to play or practice is get it in tune.

This is true of any instrument, not only will it sound worse it will be discouraging to you as a player. This is more true of a 12 string because it is allot easier to create dissonances because of how closely the strings are tuned.

Use your ears to tune, there is no problem with getting help or using a tuner, but it's a good skill to be able to do it on your own.

If your guitar is completely out of tune, you'll need a first note as a jumping off point, you can get this from anything that you know is in tune a piano, other guitar, marimba website- anything.

Tuning to a chromatic tuner
(I would recommend this to beginners)

Some chromatic tuners will tell you what note you are on so you can adjust if you know a little music theory. If not here is a chart.

Play the string, wait for the tuner to register, if it is lower (or flat) tighten the string. If it is higher (or sharp) loosen. Some people recommend going just a tad lower than the pitch the tuning up to it, saying that it hold the tuning better. Keep tuning until you reach all of them in pitch


the little e should sound higher than the big E, (they are an octave apart) the same for aA dD gG. The last for strings should be at the exact same note.

Tuning to a piano/self

Start off with one of the low E strings, hit the note on the piano and adjust it until they are in harmony.

Once you've got both E strings in tune you can either continue to hit the keys and tune to the piano, or you can tune to yourself. They will be the same pitch, but one will be sound higher than the other. If you want to tune to yourself, Press the E string on the fifth fret (it will produce a A) and tune the A strings to that. Once the A strings are tuned, press on the 5th fret and tune the D strings. The on the 5th fret of the D string you'll find a G. Tune to that. On G you switch it up and press on the 4th and that'll get you your B string to tune to. Here the two B strings should sound the exact same pitch. Then the 5th fret will give you your E, tune the last two string in unison and your good to go.

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