Can i use a normal capo?

Can you use a capo designed for a six string guitar on a 12 string guitar?


The extra strings call for more force and typically have a wider neck. I had the chance to try a whole ton of capos on a twelve string at a local guitar shop, and none of the capos not designed specifically for a twelve string worked very well. Even the Higher end capos that received great reviws did't work very well. The problems were mostly that they failed to capo the higher octave strings in each set. (mostly the 9th, 11th, 12th, string)

I tested by attaching capo the first fret (where there is the most resistance) as close to the fret as i could and plucked each of the strings individually, I found that all of the capos muffled some of the strings. So I'm fairly convinced that no capo not designed for it would work.


dave said...

I disagree with you on not being able to use a regular capo on a 12string.
I've been playing a 12r for 35yrs. and have never even owned a 12string capo. As long as the fret bar is long enough to cover all strings and there is enough tension, your good to go. I use Schubb capos because the tension is adjustable with a thumb screw. I never liked the spring loaded capos like the Keyser because they pull the guitar out of tune. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

This was very helpful. As a newbie to 12-strings, I need all the info I can get, especially stuff related to technique and gear specifics.

BTW, you've got a 404 on the link: How to tune a 12 string.